Thursday, June 13, 2019

New Chapter in Life

Hello, Assalamualaikum.
I'm back again. Alhamdulillah I scored 9As in my previous SPM. Thank you for all the duas you've been giving me. Now, I'm preparing stuff for my uni life. Asasi je baru. I got into the University of Malaya whoot whoot ! Honestly? I'm very scared of what the future holds for me. Will I have many friends? Will I stop being so awkward? Will I gain the confidence to have male friends for god sake? I want to study and learn properly now. no more procrastinating or laziness or main-main. One thing I worry about is financial. I really don't want to burden my mom with all the money that I'm gonna spend in uni. But, what can I do I still ain't got enough money for myself. education is so expensive I swear to god. This will be my first time being so far from home and mummy. I don't know how I'm gonna deal with that but we'll see. I guess that's it for now. Till next time, xoxo