Monday, February 4, 2019


Well hi invisible humans.

It's already February of 2019. Man I've wasted so many times during those last 2 months. Next month means RESULTSSS. Man, I'm so scared. I'm just so scared. Sumpah tak confident dengan result SPM kali ni. Rasa macam tak dapat nak capai. rasa macam semua yang aku dapat selama ni istidraj. Aku ni susah nak bersyukur sebelum ni. Aku takut kalau Allah tarik nikmat aku bila-bila. Aku nak sambung ambik dentistry. Insyaallah, hoping for the best. I've given up on being a doctor. I just don't feel that passionate for doctor. Something was lacking in me. I'm sorry mummy. I couldn't be like kakak. I'm not good enough to be a doctor. Tapi kalau Anis ada rezeki in dentistry, I promise to work my best on it. Life hasn't been that bad nowadays. I still miss papa. Banyak ujian Allah bagi dekat mak aku dengan family aku, tapi alhamdulillah mak aku stay kuat demi family. Aku tahu dia letih tapi aku tak mampu nak tolong certain stuff. Like i really wanna help her about financial but I myself got no money. I try not to splurge money on useless things. Money does not grow on trees kids.