Friday, December 25, 2015

Happy Birthday Kakak!!

Kak, I'm sorry for writing this while crying. I'm so sorry. Dah 3 tahun kakak tak celebrate birthday. Kakak you are going to wake up right? I'm still waiting for that day. I miss you so much. So much that it hurts. When you wake up and you read this, you gonna laugh at me right? I don't care you can laugh until your tummy hurts. Because I miss your smile so much. Remember you used to squeeze me so you can lay down on the couch too? Now, I will give you the whole couch. Remember when you always ask me to cook some food for you? I'll cook everything. I heard that if you truly wish for something, it will come true. I wish that you'll wake up very soon and you're gonna be there when I'm receiving the result for PT3. Ya Allah, I truly truly wish for this. Please. Kak, Anis dah nak 15 tahun. Kak nik dah nak 20. Time flew so fast. I don't like the fact that I was so young and didn't know how appreciate the time that I've had with you. Kak, Iyaad dah besar kak, Kalau kakak sihat mesti kakak 'pulah' Iyaad sebab naughty. Kak I remember that you asked me to buy you a 'air kotak' when I went to the cafe. When I come back, you're not there. You've already gone to the labour room. If I came earlier, I would have met you. If I came earlier. Kak, I may not have said the words often to you, but I love you. I really really love you. No one can replace you. No one. You're the only kakak. There's no other kakak. I miss calling your. I miss messaging you on Facebook whether you come home or not today. I miss your nagging. I miss watching you eating 'air asam dgn belacan'. "One day we'll realise the little things in life were actually the big ones.-anonymous" That quotes are the one that you put on your Instagram bio. When I read that I cried because it's so true. Kak, Happy 30th Birthday!! I miss you and I love you so much. Anis sayang kakak sangat-sangat. Hugs and kisses.

Your not so little sister.

Sunday, February 1, 2015


Have you ever feel like you just want to die?
Like you want to get out of this world for a while??
It hurts..
Nobody appreciates what I do.
Everything I do is wrong.
People always blame on me.
When I have some time to put my mind on ease..
Someone would just interfere my time.
I don't know why just gets on my nerves.
There's no one that I could freely let out all of my problems and worries.
Why me?
Why not anyone else?
I don't want to push myself.
I already know it's gonna hurts if I did that.
But someone will push me,
I just want to scream out at them "Do I look like I can handle it??"
It's hurts,
It's really painful,
Can someone understand me?
I just need a hug and a shoulder to cry on right now but I don't have anyone.
I want someone who will say "It's going to be alright" to me.
People don't understand me.
I'm just faking my own self the whole time.
9 out of 10 times I would just broke down in the toilet or in my room.
I just hate myself.
At times I just want to lock myself in a room,crying,shouting as much as I want.
And no one will stop me.
You see me as a happy-go-lucky girl.
Actually,I'm just trying to cheer myself up.
I'm tired of tears.
is the only thing I want..
I don't need

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Life As an 8th Grader

It started on 11th January 2015,
It was something new to me.
New friends.
New teachers.
New class.
Let me confess something..
I don't even remember all of my teachers' and friends' name yet.
It was hard being a 8th grader actually..
I miss my childhood times.
I barely get a rest..
Homework after homework after homework.
But people said that's the way to become a successful person.
I need to bear with it.
It just a beginning.
It's going to be hard but hard is not impossible.
I better do my homeworks first or I will get scolded by my teachers tomorrow.