Friday, December 25, 2015

Happy Birthday Kakak!!

Kak, I'm sorry for writing this while crying. I'm so sorry. Dah 3 tahun kakak tak celebrate birthday. Kakak you are going to wake up right? I'm still waiting for that day. I miss you so much. So much that it hurts. When you wake up and you read this, you gonna laugh at me right? I don't care you can laugh until your tummy hurts. Because I miss your smile so much. Remember you used to squeeze me so you can lay down on the couch too? Now, I will give you the whole couch. Remember when you always ask me to cook some food for you? I'll cook everything. I heard that if you truly wish for something, it will come true. I wish that you'll wake up very soon and you're gonna be there when I'm receiving the result for PT3. Ya Allah, I truly truly wish for this. Please. Kak, Anis dah nak 15 tahun. Kak nik dah nak 20. Time flew so fast. I don't like the fact that I was so young and didn't know how appreciate the time that I've had with you. Kak, Iyaad dah besar kak, Kalau kakak sihat mesti kakak 'pulah' Iyaad sebab naughty. Kak I remember that you asked me to buy you a 'air kotak' when I went to the cafe. When I come back, you're not there. You've already gone to the labour room. If I came earlier, I would have met you. If I came earlier. Kak, I may not have said the words often to you, but I love you. I really really love you. No one can replace you. No one. You're the only kakak. There's no other kakak. I miss calling your. I miss messaging you on Facebook whether you come home or not today. I miss your nagging. I miss watching you eating 'air asam dgn belacan'. "One day we'll realise the little things in life were actually the big ones.-anonymous" That quotes are the one that you put on your Instagram bio. When I read that I cried because it's so true. Kak, Happy 30th Birthday!! I miss you and I love you so much. Anis sayang kakak sangat-sangat. Hugs and kisses.

Your not so little sister.